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How would this famine of the word of God be achieved? This famine would be realized in that God would not send prophets to speak for him. This famine, in all likelihood, refers to the Intertestamental Period when there were nearly 400 years where God sent no prophet.

future event: faminie of hearing the words of the lord

The Prophet Amos writes concerning the last days…“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the Lord. “People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east; They will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, But they will not find it.” (Amos 8:11-12). There is a famine for the hearing of God’s Word. The hearing refers to the revelation of God’s Word to the minds and hearts of those who hear it but have no revelation of it in their spirit.

daniel says the same thing

  • The prophet Daniel explains how this “famine” of hearing the truth will come about in the last days.
  • In a vision, Daniel saw a “little horn” dominating the last seven revivals of the Roman Empire (the fourth beast; see Daniel 7:7–8, 19–20).
  • This little horn will be a prominent religious figure (and his church), teaching blasphemous doctrines that contradict Scripture.

This “horn” will work to change the calendar of religious observances and will persecute those who follow Scripture (Daniel 7:21, 24–25).