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About Us

Welcome to the *Indian Church of South Carolina*—a vibrant community dedicated to rescuing and protecting those in difficult situations and offering continued support until they find healing and recovery. Located in the heart of Columbia, we are easily accessible, with most locations in the city just a 10-minute drive away.

About Us

Our church is led by *Pastor Ben Johns*, a passionate and dedicated leader who founded this church with a deep love for people. Over the past decade, Pastor Ben has guided our congregation to become a Missional, Gospel-Centered, and Locally Relevant Church. We are active not just in Columbia but throughout South Carolina and beyond, engaging in Gospel activities that reach every corner of our state, country, and even internationally, all for the expansion of His Kingdom. Read his bio and meet our staff.

At Indian Church of South Carolina, we are a diverse and united body of believers committed to making a difference. We invite you to become part of this blessed body of Christ—to interact, inspire, and impact our community through the joy of togetherness and fellowship. Bless and be Blessed!

We firmly believe that we are planted here according to His Heavenly plan, and we are here to serve you with love and dedication.

We look forward to welcoming you into our community.

Executive Staff

Pastor. Ben Johns

Pastor. Ben Johns

Senior Pastor

Bro. Joel

Bro. Joel


Bro. Kirubha

Bro. Kirubha


Bro. Joseph

Bro. Joseph

Administrative Assistant

Sis. Sharon

Sis. Sharon


Bro. Divine

Bro. Divine

Media Assistant

Bro. Thomas Fernandez

Bro. Thomas Fernandez

Graphics, & Web